Blair Liikala Rec Portfolio





Made by Mergning Technologies on the other side of the Atlantic (that’d be Europe for those geographically-challenged), Pyramix is a PC-only software with both a full and “native” version designed for audio production.  The full version is used with a DSP card, either third-party or by Merging called the Mykerinos card able to accept 24 digital inputs.

With macros, source-destination editing and a versatile mixer, Pyramix is used more in classical, post-sound and mastering.  The program’s a little buggy, and I have had times the mixer sends signal anywhere but where I want it, but editing was remarkably better than ProTools.

And being anti-Windows/pro-Mac I have to knock on the makers for not choosing to port the program to the Mac.  (And I don’t dual-boot my Mac with OSX and Crap).  I would own a copy if it were not for this issue.