Blair Liikala Rec Portfolio



DPA 4006

DPA 4006

Also known as B [and] K, this is the original model known for measurement and testing applications with a very flat and uncolored frequency response.  Music engineers liked this concept and the demand became overwhelming for B&K to keep up.  So the design was given to DPA who now designs new models as well as keep up original B&Ks.

These microphones used to be big in classical, but have now spread to many other applications.  I use them on many things, and they are almost always in my mic bag when I go to a gig.  Some of my favorite recordings involved these microphones, and are high on my list of favorites….  Maybe that’s why I now own a pair!
With this mode there are three types of tops…

  * The White tip is for a flat frequency response when things are directly in front of it.
  * The Black tip is for a flat frequency response when things are not in front, and gives a slight high end boost to things that ARE directly in front.
  * The Cone is for a completely even sound everywhere.  However some very high end is reduced, and there still is a “hot spot” directly in front when objects are close.
  * The Ball is for more directionality.  It’s an add-on in addition to one fo the above tips.