Blair Liikala Rec Portfolio



Sennheiser MKH

Sennheiser MKH

The Sennheiser MKH series are known for a smooth sound.  Some people swear by them.  At MSU Recording Services, there are both the 20 & 40.  They are mostly used on choir or vocal and go out to remote gigs (usually opposite the Pearls). 

Personally, I have extreme mixed feelings about this mic.  Sometimes I like it, sometimes I hate it.  Though this is the nature of microphones, I’ve been more ‘on the fence’ about the MKH series sound than the majority of the mic cabinet.  I’m not saying they sound bad, or are bad mics, but the enhanced bottom/reduced top characteristics are not always my favorite. 

They also output rather hot. 

Model Types
20 - Omni
40 - Cardiod
30 - Fig 8
50 - Super cardiod
80 - multipattern…etc