Blair Liikala Rec Portfolio



Pearl ELM C

Pearl ELM C

Cardiod - Rectangular diaphram condenser. This bizarre-looking microphone is actually one of my favorites.  The idea is that a rectangle has more surface area than every other circle, so these microphones can pick up much more sound, specifically I think low-end.  Compared to most other well respected microphones which have been around for 20-30 years, this is a fairly new concept because the diaphram is difficult to construct.  What an amazing microphone.
These are great on choir… or almost anything.  We’ve had some issues with piano, but I think these are a great all-around microphone.
Also, not all the recordings I have done are on this website. Many of which are simple stereo concerts that I used the Pearls on, so my use of these mics may be underestimated.